What if I told you that all you really need to start—or even succeed—at landscape photography is incredibly little? It might be hard to believe, considering the most popular photography content is centered around cameras, lenses, and gear. It can send the wrong message to new photographers: that you need a bunch of expensive things to make great images—you don’t, and I’m going to prove it to you.
This guide was inspired by trips I took in 2018 and 2024, where I could only bring what I could carry onto a flight, including clothes. This really pushes you to shed what you don’t need, and the reality is that landscape photography is likely the most accessible genre of photography you can get into. You don’t need heavy, expensive lenses with wide apertures; you don’t need cutting-edge autofocus technology; and sensor technology hasn’t really improved all that much in almost a decade for image quality.
In this video, I cover a range of questions you might run into when purchasing your first camera, such as sensor size, camera brand, apertures, prime or zoom lenses, whether you need a tripod, filter selection, and essentially encourage you to start with very little. So much of modern camera technology is centered around improving video features and autofocus that landscape photographers have more options than ever when it comes to budget.
I’d love to know your thoughts or if you have suggestions for great budget options in the used or new gear markets down below. I couldn’t possibly cover or know it all, so your help is welcomed!