The Montana Museum of Art and Culture on the campus of the University of Montana (UM) has several examples different kinds of three-dimensional art.
Shown above is Twilight made by Italian artist Leopoldo Ansiglioni (1832-1894) in 1878; marble.Another view of TwilightAnother view of TwilightAnother view of TwilightShown above is Needs Belts (Curb Find—Riding Mower) made by Jim Zimpel in 2022; oriented strand board, poplar, steel, and dowels.
Jim Zimpel teaches sculpture at Montana State University in Bozeman. According to the Museum:
“For the series titled Curb Findshe typically finds utilitarian objects discarded in alleyways and dump sites, brings them back to his studio, where he disassembles them and creates the parts in strand board (MDF). He them assembles these parts in an exact facsimile of the found object which he rebuilds and returns to the original site.”
Another view of Needs BeltsAnother view of Needs BeltsShown above is Double Self-Portrait made by James Leedy (1930-2021) about 1964; stoneware.Another view of Double Self-PortraitDetail from Double Self-PortraitShown above is Untitled made by UM Alumnus Leonard Stach about 1965; stoneware.Shown above is Untitled (Grandpa George Bust) made by Jim Zimpel in 2019; insulation foam, steel, enamel paint.Located outside near the museum’s entry, this piece is not identified.Located just inside the museum’s entry, this piece is not identified.
Note: These photographs were taken on April 11, 2024.